Special Reports

How to Test Your Covers Online
Using online cover testing, a publisher can continue to develop the overall look of the magazine. In this approach, you can follow a methodology in which you isolate specific test elements, as you would in a split test on the newsstand. In this way it is possible to test certain words or combinations of words, a person versus a thing, a photograph versus an illustration, and so on.
How to Promote Your Publication on the Newsstand
Newsstand promotion encompasses both promotions to the reader and promotions to the trade. The purpose of the former is to push the sales of the product through the register; of the latter, to gain the support of wholesalers and retailers in order to enlist their help in improving display and visibility. Nothing, however, is as convincing to wholesalers and retailers as strong sales and a high ranking in store lists.
How to Launch a Successful Magazine
Every year hundreds of new magazines are launched and about three quarters of them fail. Web sites have sprung up to forecast the life spans of new and existing titles and to predict their deaths. Yet every year you see new titles launched that do have longevity--that fill a niche, meet a need, and turn a profit. What distinguishes these publications from their less-fortunate peers?
Ways to Win with Newsstand Covers
Your newsstand circulation delivers a high quality reader—a reader that has committed to paying full price for your publication, and is likely, therefore, to read it through. That is why your advertisers want newsstand readers as part of your publications circulation—they know that the newsstand reader is the best indicator of a magazine’s vitality. If you have a magazine that can sell on the newsstand, you have a robust, vital publication.
How to Launch your Publication on the Newsstand
Today, a magazine’s first issue is likely to have a more limited distribution than at any time in the past. No longer can you expect to get in the best retail stores or get premium display just because you’re new. The climb up has become steeper, the barriers to entry higher. It is more important than ever before to plan a launch carefully and implement consistently.
How to Create a Successful Magazine
Every year hundreds of new magazines are launched and about three quarters of them fail. Web sites have sprung up to forecast the life spans of new and existing titles and to predict their deaths. Yet every year you see new titles launched that do have longevity, that fill a niche, meet a need, turn a profit. What distinguishes these publications from their less-fortunate peers?